Common Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss is more or less a common thing. While some occur physiologically, some can be pathological. In this write-up, we will concentrate on the various causes of hair loss. At the end of the end of the write-up, you will realize that not all cases of hair loss require treatment. Continue reading to find out more about factors that are commonly responsible for hair loss



When you have an abnormally high level of certain hormones in your body, then you cannot avoid hair loss. The hormones commonly responsible are the androgens. Androgen is the male hormone. Though it is produced in the female also, it is produced at a lower amount.


Yes, hair loss can also be genetic. If your parents have baldness, they can transfer the baldness to you if their baldness is genetic. You too may transfer it to your kids. The baldness of this type can also be found in females.

Childbirth, illness, and stress

These three are also implicated in hair loss. This can also cause baldness in females. The type of hair loss caused by any of the there is, however, temporary. For example, ringworm can cause alopecia, but it is a temporary kind of alopecia that gets resolved once the ringworm is treated.


Those on cancer chemotherapy can end up with hair loss; this is one of the most common side effects of such drugs. Those who are taking a blood thinner drugs too can experience hair loss. Some drugs used for broth control and blood pressure control can also result in hair loss. Primary among such drugs are the beta-adrenergic blockers.

X-rays, injuries, and burns

These three are also responsible for hair loss. X-ray kills hair follicles and prevents hair growth from the affected area, which can be in any part of the body, including the scalp. Hair loss caused by x-ray tends to be temporary. After the injury caused by x-ray and burns are healed, hair tends to grow back in the area. Hair may however not grow in that area again if a scar occurs in the affected area.

Autoimmune disease

Alopecia areta can result from autoimmune disease. The immune system is stimulated in this condition for a reason yet known to scientists. The hair loss in this condition too is temporary. The hair will grow back eventually, but it will look thinner, finer and somewhat lighter at first, then the normal hair will replace the initial one.

Cosmetic procedures

Your hair can thin out over time, and you will experience hair loss if you are fond of applying unnecessary cosmetics procedure to your hair. Excess dyeing, bleaching, perming and shampooing can cause your hair to thin and lead to alopecia. The hair will become weak and brittle over time. Use of hot curlers, rollers, and tight braiding has also been implicated in hair loss. They, however, do not lead to baldness; the hair grows back after some time. The hair may however not grow back if these cosmetics procedures have caused severe damage to the scalp and this will cause permanent baldness.