Hair Loss Test And Diagnosis

A complete diagnosis of your hair can be done if you visit a qualified dermatologist. With his or her assistance, you can identify the source of your hair loss and the effective treatment techniques that can help you maintain your hair.

The hair diagnosis will be done by reviewing your medical history. The doctor will also subject you to a physical examination to complement the result of your medical history.

Hair Loss Test

1. Medical history: While reviewing your medical history, he or she will consider the following:

  • The trait of the hair loss: This will involve finding out whether you are dealing with thinning or other more noticeable hair loss. Other traits that will be considered include shedding or baldness.
  • Duration of the hair loss: The doctor will like to find out how long you have been dealing with the problem of hair loss. You should be able to tell your doctor the last time you h ad your full hair.
  • Family history: This is an important factor that will be considered. As a part of his examination, the doctor will like to know whether some members of your family have a similar problem. If they do, he will want to know the primary cause of their hair loss.
  • Hairstyling habit: The hairstyles you wear may also play a big role in your hair loss experience. It is within the prerogative of your dermatologist to ask questions about your hairstyling habit. The questions may revolve around the type of chemical you use for your hair treatment, whether you use a curling iron or some hot blowers. He expects you to be honest with your answers.
  • Your diet: His diagnosis is incomplete without asking questions about your eating habit. Some candid answers about your nutrition will include whether you take an insufficient iron and protein in addition to some other essential nutrients that are needed for hair growth and development.
  • Medication: A review of your medication is also a part of the diagnosis. This is important due to the negative effects of some medications on the growth or falling out of hair in some people.

2. Test: If your dermatologist has some doubts about the results of his examination, he may decide to conduct a more comprehensive tests such as:

  • Pull test: In the pull test, he pulls some strands of hair from your head gently with the goal of finding out the number of strands of hair that fall out. He can use the result to determine your hair loss stage.
  • Light microscopy: With a special device, your doctor will examine some strands of hair that are cut from the bases of your hair. The device will help your doctor to detect the degree of the disorder that has occurred at the shaft of your hair.


These simple tests and diagnosis may be your savior from becoming bald. From the results of such tests and diagnosis, the sources of your hair loss can be determined so that your doctor can proffer the best solution for you.